CSS Profile

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Financial aid is crucial to student access to higher education. Help your students find ways to apply for private institutional aid that is fast, efficient, and allows them to tell their story.

CSS Profile Basics

The CSS Profile helps your students provide a complete picture of their family financial situation so they can receive a fair and timely aid award. The comprehensive financial information reported on the CSS Profile application allows colleges to target their private funds to the most economically deserving students.

The CSS Profile service is fully online—and the secure site is available 24 hours a day to assist students in meeting critical aid application deadlines. CSS Profile's unique, customized format tailors the application to each student. It also helps students:

  • Report their financial resources to multiple colleges and programs on a single application.
  • Tell their story about special circumstances that may affect their family's ability to help pay for college.
  • Receive complete and accurate aid awards from colleges and scholarship programs allowing them to enroll in the college of their choice.

Because the CSS Profile application is customized for each student, applicants save time by only responding to questions pertaining to their situation. The format is streamlined, logical, and easy to use.

Fees and Fee Waivers

CSS Profile fees cover the cost of customization and sending individual reports to colleges. Fee waivers are available for eligible students and cover the cost of all application and reporting fees.
